Memory Match Game Instructions

Mizzie Memory Match & Flash Card Game Set includes FOUR fun-filled games that will invigorate toddlers and children to FLOURISH their minds and develop their skills through playtime!

Mizzie Memory Match Rules:

Players: 1+

- Divide your 'Mizzie Memory Match' 36-card deck, so that all cards with green squares on the back are in a separate pile. Create separate piles for cards orange circles and yellow stars.

- Level One: Green Squares. Level One consists of 8 cards and 4 pairs, each with a green square on the back of the card. Shuffle your deck and lay out each card face down. Flipping one card at a time, attempt to find the matching pair. If you flip over two cards that do not match, flip over both cards and start again. Your goal is to use your memory to match the pairs! This level is perfect for children beginning their memory-matching journey: use these 4 pairs to start their problem-solving journey and help gain confidence!

- Level Two: Orange Circles. Level Two consists of 10 cards and 5 pairs, each with an orange circle on the back of the card. Shuffle your deck and lay out each card face down. Flipping one card at a time, attempt to find the matching pair. If you flip over two cards that do not match, flip over both cards and start again. 1 match attempt per turn. Your goal is to use your memory to match the pairs! If playing with friends, the player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins! This level is amazing for little ones who have started to understand memory matching and are looking to develop their skills further and have their friends join in! 

- Level Three: Yellow Stars. Level Three consists of 18 cards and 9 pairs, each with a yellow star on the back of each card. Shuffle your deck and lay out each card face down. Flipping one card at a time, attempt to find the matching pair. If you flip over two cards that do not match, flip over both cards and start again. 1 match attempt per turn.  Your goal is to use your memory to match the pairs! If playing with friends, the player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins! Perfect for advanced players!

- Mizzie Memory Match: Friends & Family. Once your little one is a Mizzie Memory Match pro, it's time to graduate to 18 pairs! Perfect for family game nights or birthday party games, use all 36 cards for the ultimate Mizzie fun! Shuffle your deck and lay out each card face down. Flipping one card at a time, attempt to find the matching pair. If you flip over two cards that do not match, flip over both cards and start again. 1 match attempt per turn.  Your goal is to use your memory to match the pairs! If playing with friends, the player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins!


Mizzie's Flash Card Colour & Shape Sorting Rules:

Players: 1+

1. Shuffle your 'Mizzie Memory Match' Flash Cards and lay out each card, face down.

2. Ask your child to create 3 piles by collecting the squares together, the circles together and the stars together.

3. Develop their understanding and problem solving further by creating patterns with the shapes and ask your little one to replicate it (e.g. create a pattern of star, star, circle, square on the floor then ask them to do the same) OR ask your little one to collect bundles of cards for you with specific colours or shapes (e.g. ask your child for a collection of cards with 2 stars, 1 square and 3 circles). This can be adjusted to your little one's understanding and be used to challenge and evolve their learning journey!


Mizzie's Flash Card Letter & Number Learning Rules:

Players: 1+

1. Divide your 'Mizzie Memory Match & Flash Card' Deck and set aside all cards with a yellow star embossed on the back (18 Total).

2. Divide these cards between letter cards (8 total) and number cards (10 total).

3. Using either the letters or numbers piles, use these cards to help your child identify basic letters from A-D OR numbers from 1-5. This can be done by asking your child to count the number of animals of the Number Cards or asking your child what the object on your letter cards are. This game is amazing for language and mathematical development and can be customised to your child's skill level! 

Mizzie Grass


Un jeu de cartes de mémoire et de rapidité de different niveaux pour dévolopper la curiosité  des petits.

Les petits esprits curieux s’engageront dans une aventure amusante d’apprentissage avec le jeu de cartes de mémoire JUMBO MIZZIE

Avec plusieurs avantages, ce jeu de 36 cartes, 18 paires, 3 niveaux, 4 jeux en 1, aidera les petits à développer leur cerveau et à nourrir leur esprit de plusieurs façons.

Grâce à ce jeu ils pourront améillorer:

  • Leur concentration, vigilance et attention pour les détails

  • Leur Visuel, mémoire et leur capacité à mémoriser par la vue

  • Raisonnement et analyse

  • Reconnaissance des couleurs, des formes et des lettres

  • Aptitude à regrouper, trier et classer

 La taille des cartes a été conçue sur mesure pour les petites mains, ce jeu magnifique de 36 Jumbo cartes de mémoire inclut quatre jeux en un, 18 paires et 3 niveaux

  • Trier les couleurs et les formes

  • Trouver les 18 paires. Le set comprend 3 niveaux, 4 paires, 5 paires et augmente graduellement jusqu’à 18 paires

  • Reconnaissance des chiffres et compter de 1 a 5

  • Reconnaissance des lettres de A à D avec d’authentiques objets australiens.


Memory spel met flitskaartjes die helpen het geheugen van nieuwsgierige kleuters te prikkelen.

De kleuters maken een leuke en leerzame ontdekkingsreis met het Mega Mizzie Memory Spel. De spelset bestaat uit 36 kaartjes waarmee vier spelletjes kunnen worden gespeeld. De kaartjes zijn speciaal ontworpen voor de kleine kleuterhandjes.

 Het Mega Mizzie Memory Spel helpt bij de ontwikkeling van:

- concentratie, alertheid en aandacht voor details,

- visuele aspecten, het kortetermijngeheugen en het vermogen om te onthouden aan de

  hand van beelden,

- redeneringsvermorgen en kritisch denken,

- de herkenning van kleuren, vormen, cijfers en letters,

- het vermogen om te groeperen en te klasseren.

 De kleuters oefenen met:

  1. het sorteren van kleuren en vormen;

  2. het onthouden van afbeeldingen (Memory). Er zijn drie niveaus, die van 4 en 5 tot 18 paren oplopen;.

  3. het herkennen van getallen en het oefenen van tellen van 1 tot 5;

  4. het herkennen van de basisletters A t/m. D met echte Aussie-items.

En het is leuk om te spelen!



La curiosa mente de los niños “dará un salto” a un divertido viaje educacional con este juego de cartas de memoria Mizzie, tamaño gigante. Con grandes beneficios para el desenvolvimiento del niño, - e incluyendo 36 cartas, 18 pares y 3 niveles de dificultad - , este set de juego interactivo 4 en 1 El set de cartas ayudará a mejorar:

  • La concentración, el estado de alerta y la atención a los detalles.

  • La memoria visual a corto plazo y la habilidad de memorizar a simple vista.

  • Habilidades de razonamiento y pensamiento crítico

  • Reconocimiento de colores, formas, números y letras.

  • Capacidad para agrupar, ordenar y clasificar.

Con el tamaño ideal para las pequeñas manos de los niños, este increíble juego de 36 cartas de memoria tamaño gigante incluye CUATRO juegos en UNO, con 18 pares y 3 niveles de dificultad:

  1. Enseña a ordena colores y formas

  2. Enseña a emparejar cartas de memoria hasta 18 pares. Con 3 niveles de dificultad, comenzando con 4 pares, posteriormente con 5 pares e incrementando gradualmente hasta lograr 18 pares.

  3. Ayuda a reconocer los números y enseña a contar del 1 al 5.

  4. Ayuda a reconocer las letras básicas del abecedario A-D con verdaderos elementos Australianos.



Le curiosi menti dei bambini si tufferanno in un divertente percorso di apprendimento con Jumbo Mizzie Memory Match Game. Grazie ai tantissimi benefici per uno sano sviluppo, questo fantastico gioco 4 in 1 composto da 36 carte, 18 abbinamenti e 3 livelli di difficoltà, aiuterà i più piccoli a sviluppare le loro menti in tanti modi differenti. Questo gioco può aiutare a sviluppare:

  • Concentrazione, lucidità e attenzione al dettaglio

  • Memoria visuale e a breve termine

  • Abilità critiche e di ragionamento

  • Riconoscimento di colori, forme, numeri e lettere

  • Abilità nel raggruppare, ordinare e classificare

Perfettamente progettato per le piccole mani dei bambini, questo bellissimo gioco Jumbo card Memory Match da 36 carte include QUATTRO giochi in UNO, 18 abbinamenti e 3 livelli:

  1. Raggruppa colori e forme

  2. Abbina 18 diverse paia di carte. Ci sono 3 livelli di difficoltà, partendo da 4 paia, 5 paia, fino ad arrivare a 18

  3. Riconosci numeri e conta da 1 a 5

  4. Riconosci lettere fondamentali dalla A alla D con reali oggetti Australiani